October features the next county commissioners evening meeting “on the road,” in addition to several fundraisers for local human service organizations.
Friday, Oct. 4 - Pottstown Beacon of Hope is hosting a gala at the Copperfield Inn from 6 to 9 p.m. Executive Director Tom Niahros went before the West Pottsgrove Board of Commissioners on Sept. 18 to share details of their proposed year-round shelter on the border with Pottstown Borough.
Saturday, Oct. 5 - Norristown Hospitality Center's 5K is taking place at Norristown Farm Park. Help raise funds for the center's new location, which is expected to open in April!
Thursday, Oct 10 – The Ann Frances Outreach Foundation is hosting a fundraising dinner at Copperfield with Montco 30 Percent's Mike Hays as the keynote speaker. No charge for dinner!
Oct. 10 - For those looking for a chance to attend a Montgomery County Commissioners' meeting, the board will meet at 6 p.m. at the Montgomery Township Building. But doesn't dinner at Copperfield sound better?
Saturday, Oct. 12 - Rahab’s Hope Bingo Fundraiser at KOP Church of Christ. Tickets are $35 at the door; $30 in advance.
Oct. 12 -- Norristown Rotaract Fall Fest and Flea Market

Thursday, Oct. 17 - Save the date: Montco 30% Zoom with Rep. Izzy Smith-Wade-El!
Saturday, Oct. 19 - Coffee & Conversation in Ambler at New Beginnings Church
