Montgomery County has a crisis of affordable housing.
For working people across Pennsylvania, finding a place to live that doesn’t cost more than 30 percent of your total income has become a daunting task.
But don’t despair. There are policy solutions that can make things better. However, progress never happens on its own. We – residents, renters, and (most importantly) voters – need to advocate for them.
That is the mission of The Montco 30 % Project and we invite you to a rally on the county Courthouse steps in Norristown on Saturday, April 29, at 1 p.m.
Our goal is to inspire people to get involved and call on their elected leaders – county, state, and local – to pass inclusionary zoning ordinances and invest in housing that produces below market units (not necessarily Housing Choice Vouchers/ Section 8, but that is part of the solution). We also envision this event to be a resource fair for social service providers to share information with interested residents.

See you on April 29! Bring friends, co-workers, and family.
“We have to make it clear that we CAN do better.” - Glen Hening