Compassion, commitment, and competence are three key attributes I look for in all candidates for public office – from district judge to President of the United States.
On Tuesday, we will select two Democratic county commissioner candidates from a field of five in the 2023 Democratic Primary Election. This is a big deal. The three-person Board of County Commissioners forms the executive team that oversees and directs human services – such as children & youth, housing, public health – and much more. While they are not a legislative body per se, the commissioners yield tremendous power through the budgets they approve.
Their priorities should be your priorities.
I encourage you to email them or reach out on social media. If they knock on your door, ask them about their priorities for affordable housing. Last month, the Montco 30% Project wrote an article summarizing their viewpoints on housing and homelessness expressed during an open forum.
You may find your sample ballots here. Republican primary voters will choose between three candidates for commissioner. You will also select candidates for judge, including magisterial district judges who administer eviction proceedings.
Polls are open on Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. VOTE!
